ECE "TECHNOKOM" - the engineering and commercial enterprise focused on development and supply of equipment for the enterprises of the food industry






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KEG-Service 3Т
Purpose - Preparation for filling kegs with beer, kvass, wine, drinks (with any fitting type)
Control mode - Manual
Capacity - up to 10 KEG/h
KEG-Service 3Т(M)
Purpose - Preparation for filling kegs with beer, kvass, wine, drinks (with any fitting type)
Control mode - Automatic
Capacity - up to 20 KEG/h
KEG-Service 4A
Purpose - Preparation for filling and filling keg-barrels with beer, kvass, wine, drinks (with a flat fitting)
Control mode - Automatic
Capacity - up to 30 KEG/h
KEG-Service 5A
Purpose - Preparation for filling KEG-barrells with beer, kvass, wine and drinks (with a fat fitting)
Control mode - Automatic
Capacity - up to 40 KEG/h
KEG-Service 6A
Purpose - Filling kegs with beer, kvass, wine and drinks (with any fitting)
Control mode - Automatic
Capacity - up to 60 KEG/h
KEG-Service M60
Purpose - Cleaning and filling kegs
Control mode - Automatic
Capacity - up to 60 kegs/h
KEG-Service M 120
Purpose - Cleaning and filling kegs
Control mode - Automatic
Capacity - up to 120 kegs/h
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